Bacterial Endocarditis Protection.

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Because of existing heart conditions, such as significantly leaky valves or prior heart valve surgery, certain patients need protection from bacterial endocarditis (SBE) during dental, oral, upper airway, bowel or bladder procedures (or surgery). Bacterial endocarditis is an infection of the inner lining of the heart:. Although regular dental hygiene is extremely important, this protection is needed during routine dental cleaning and scaling since this can cause bleeding of the gums and release of bacteria into the bloodstream where it can affect the heart valves.

The most recent, standard regimen is to make an oral antibiotic one hour before the procedure. In certain high risk situations IV antibiotics may be used prior to the procedure at the discretion of your physician.

Patients not allergic to Penicillin or Amoxicillin receive Amoxil 2.0 grams, orally, one hour before the procedure. In patients allergic to Amoxicillin or Penicillin, we recommend Clindamycin 600mg or Clarithromycin 500mg, orally, one hour before the procedure.

If you are having a dental cleaning or any other dental or surgical procedure, please notify the dentist or surgeon that your heart doctor has recommended that you take bacterial endocarditis (SHE) protection. These doctors should be willing to prescribe the appropriate antibiotic for you prior to your procedure.

In addition to protecting yourself before procedures you must always remain on guard for a fever without any recognizable cause. A fever without cause means that you have a fever without such symptoms as from a sore throat, urinary tract infection, infected wound or some other reason to explain the fever. A fever without recognizable cause might really be due to an infection of the lining of the heart and must be treated promptly