Central Florida Sleep Institute
The Central Florida Sleep Institute is a state of the art facility for diagnosing, evaluating, and treating patients with sleep disorders. The Institute’s services are provided by American Academy of Sleep Medicine Board Certified Professionals maintaining the highest standard of care at all times.
Our Vision
- To be the center of excellence for sleep medicine in our community.
- To offer state of the art care and treatment of sleep disorders.
- To increase awareness of sleep disorders for the professional community as well as the public.
- To be a resource for education and training.
- To conduct sleep related research.
Our Commitment
Central Florida Sleep Institute is committed to providing excellent care to our patients using modern diagnostic technology, education, evaluation and management by Board Certified Physicians. Our staff is well trained and is dedicated to delivering the highest quality services to our patients.
What is Involved?

Come, relax and sleep in our lab. The laboratory sleep study, called a polysomnogram, is considered the gold standard for accurately diagnosing sleep disorders. You may be asked to spend one or two nights at the Sleep Institute for testing. The sleep study is performed throughout the night in a private room that is equipped with sophisticated devices for monitoring brain waves, breathing patterns, eye movements, heart activity, oxygen levels in the blood, and body movements. During your stay, we will make every effort to maintain your regular sleep routine and make you as comfortable as possible. Testing takes place between 8:00 p.m. to 6:30 a.m. Once the sleep study has been reviewed and diagnosis is made, a follow-up appointment to discuss treatment will be scheduled, and a report will be forwarded to the referring physician.
Common Sleep Disorders
Getting good quality restorative sleep is not a luxury, it is a necessity. Sleep is not a simple process, many parts of the brain control sleep and its different stages.
Snoring and Sleep Apnea
Excessive snoring can be more than a nuisance; it may be a sign of a serious sleep disorder called Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Obstructive Sleep Apnea is a disorder that involves frequent episodes of partial or complete collapse of the breathing passages during sleep which can affect the individual’s oxygen level and the quality of their sleep. A distinct breathing problem during sleep is Central Sleep Apnea in which the brain fails to send the appropriate signals to respiratory muscles. Central Sleep Apnea is usually a result of neurologic or other medical problems.
Short and Long Term Effects of Apneas
- Excessive daytime sleepiness
- Extreme fatigue/tiredness
- Morning headaches
- Drug resistant hypertension
- Cardiovascular diseases especially cardiac arrhythmias
- Depression
- Personality changes
- Neurological diseases especially stroke and memory loss
- Sexual dysfunction
Warning Signs
- Loud snoring, snorting, and gasping for breath
- Pauses in breathing (can last up to 10 to 90 seconds)
- Excessive nighttime sweating
Treatment depends on the severity of apnea and the symptoms. Treatments include weight loss, mouthpiece devices, surgery, or CPAP / BiPAP therapy that facilitates better breathing during sleep.
Insomnia is the inability to fall or stay asleep. Common causes of insomnia are psychological or mood disorders, stress, chronic pain, noise or inappropriate use of alcohol and sleep aids. Rest- less leg syndrome or poor sleep hygiene can also cause insomnia. A Polysomnogram may be helpful in specific cases.
Narcolepsy characterized by sudden irresistible uncontrollable sleep attacks and excessive daytime sleepiness. Sudden loss of muscle tone, sleep paralysis or terrifying dreams and automatic behaviors are common symptoms. Proper diagnosis of narcolepsy requires an overnight sleep study and a daytime latency test.
Restless leg syndrome and periodic limb movement disorder
Unpleasant sensation in the legs described as creepy-crawly, tingling, and pulling sensations are common symptoms in Restless Legs Syndrome. Sleepiness or fatigue during the daytime can result when sleep quality is impaired by these nocturnal movements. An overnight polysomnogram might be needed in some cases. Treatment in the form of medication, physical therapy, and sleep hygiene can alleviate symptoms.
A few parasomnias that occur during the sleep like sleepwalking, night terrors, and nightmares can disturb the sleep quality and may lead to excessive daytime sleepiness.
Therapeutic benefits
- Sleep better, feel better, live your life more joyfully
- Feel more energetic, stronger and can get more out of your life
- Wake up feeling more refreshed every morning
- Lower your risk of heart attack or stroke. Better control of blood pressure and diabetes. Lose more weight
You May Have Questions
“Sleep Good. . . . Feel good”Check the following to determine the quality of your sleep. If you experience any of the following symptoms on a regular basis, make a note and get in touch with us for further evaluation, diagnosis and treatment by Competent Physicians.
- I snore loudly
- I’ve been told that I stop breathing or gasp for breath while I sleep
- I have high blood pressure
- People have noticed change in my personality
- I am gaining weight
- I sweat excessively during the night
- I have noticed my heart pounding or beating irregularly during the night
- I get morning headaches
- I seem to be losing my sex drive
- I have a dry mouth on awakening in the morning
- I have excessive day time sleepiness and feel lethargic during day time
- During strong emotions such as anger, fear, or surprise, I go limp
- I have fallen asleep while driving, even after a full night’s sleep
- I experience vivid dreamlike scenes upon or soon after falling asleep
- I have fallen asleep during physical effort
- I have trouble at work or school because of sleepiness
- I often feel totally paralyzed (unable to move) for brief periods when falling asleep or just after awakening
- Even though I slept through the night, I still feel sleepy during the day
- Other than when exercising, I still experience muscle tension, aching, or crawling sensations in my legs
- I have been told that I kick at night
- Sometimes, I can’t keep my legs still at night. I just have to move them
- I awaken with sore or aching muscles
- Thoughts race through my mind and this prevents me from sleeping
- I wake up during the night and can’t go back to sleep
- I worry about things and have trouble relaxing
- I wake up earlier in the morning than I would like to
- I lie awake for half an hour or more before I fall asleep
If you think you may have a sleep disorder, speak with your personal physician or call Central Florida Sleep Institute, where you can rest assured that you will get an in-depth evaluation by a Board Certified Sleep Specialist. We offer a full time day and night staff to care for your needs. The sleep institute is located in both Orange City and Lake Mary. Get in touch with us for additional information, to have any questions answered or to set up an appointment for an evaluation.
915 Harley Strickland Blvd
Orange City, FL 32763 -
Phone: (386) 456-0300
Fax: (386) 456-0303
1319 South International Parkway
Lake Mary, FL 32746 -
Phone: (407) 268-3660
Fax: (386) 456-0303